Presentation of the new Association RED

Written by Italianieuropei Tuesday, 24 June 2008 02:00 Print
On Tuesday June 24th, at the Cinema Farnese (piazza Campo de' Fiori) was held the presentation of the Associazione Riformisti e Democratici (RED).

At the presentation participated, among the others: Paolo De Castro, Pier Luigi Bersani, Nicodemo Nazzareno Oliviero, Livia Turco, Michele Ventura, Massimo D'Alema.




"ReD", as explained Paolo De Castro, chairman of the association, "aims at offering a space for debate and at contributing to the development of a new reformist perspective, following in the Democratic Party's wake. Moreover, it aspires to enrich the intellectual development that characterizes the PD’s building and rooting. (…) ReD is one of the many opportunities through which it will be possible to promote the debate, gathering together members of the Parliament, institutional figures, personalities of the cultural world and those citizens who feel the need to contribute to the modernization of our country’s organization. In fact, ReD is born today, but it joins the Fondazione Italianieuropei, with its ten year long experience. ReD is interpreting  an idea which stands at the root of the Democratic Party’s organization: to be open to society in new and manifold ways, in order to improve the party’s listening capability and to support the participation to reflection. It is a resource – says De Castro – that will nourish the PD’s ability to provide answers in order to make it a winner again”.

For all information concernign the Associazione Riformisti e Democratici:
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