Reflection on the end of life

Written by Italianieuropei Friday, 06 March 2009 18:22 Print
Fondazione Italianieuropei organizes a meeting of reflection on end of life issues. The meeting, aiming at discussing with the contribution of authoritative scholars and Italian politicians a subject that has today a great interest, will be held in Rome on Tuesday 17 March 2009, at 4.30 p.m. at the Sala delle Conferenze di Palazzo Marini (Chamber of Deputies, via del Pozzetto 158). To attend the meeting it is necessaty to confirm by Friday 13 March.
Reflection on the end of life

Tuesday 17 March, h 16.30 - 20
Rome, Sala delle Conferenze di Palazzo Marini
Chamber of Deputies, Via del Pozzetto 158


Introductory remarks
Andrea Peruzy, secretary general Fondazione Italianieuropei


  • Roberta De Monticelli, professor of Philosophy of the person, University "Vita-Salute San Raffaele", Milan
  • Carlo Casonato, professor of Law and  Comparative Law, responsible of the project "BioDiritto", University of Trento
  • Giovanni Zaninetta, president SICP-Società italiana cure palliative
  • Maurizio Lupi, vicepresident Chamber of Deputies
  • Gianni Cuperlo, MP, Democratic Party

Round Table

  • Rocco Buttiglione,  vicepresident Chamber of Deputies
  • Massimo D’Alema, chairman Fondazione Italianieuropei
  • Ignazio R. Marino, president of the Inquiry Committee on the National Health System of the Senate
  • Maurizio Sacconi, Minister of Welfare

Chiara Geloni, vice-editor “Europa”

It is necessary to confirm participation by Friday 13 March writing to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


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