Training course: The crisis and the new global scenario

Written by Italianieuropei Friday, 06 March 2009 16:26 Print
Fondazione Italianieuropei organizes the course of political training "The crisis and the new global scenario", which will be held in Milan between March and June 2009. The course will be structured in four seminars - each one lasting four hours - and a conference open to the public. The audience of the course will be made of 50 young representatives of the public and private business, research, politics, and associationism, to be selected through a public competition. 

The crisis and the new global scenario
5 seminar to discuss ideas for the future
Milan, March-June 2009

Fondazione Italianieuropei organizes the course of political training "The crisis and the new global scenario", which will be held in Milan between March and June 2009. The course will be structured in four seminars - each one lasting four hours - and a conference open to the public. The audience of the course will be made of 50 young representatives of the public and private business, research, politics, and associationism, to be selected through a public competition.

The seminar will offer an opportunity for discussing the changes which are taking place in contemporary world with leading scholars and speakers. It is in fact absolutely crucial to give the younger generations, with diverse backgrounds, the opportunity to discuss and deepen the issues and the different opinions which are being discussed in international fora.

In order to ease the discussion, the course is reserved to no more than fifty participants and will be structured in five meetings, during which speakers will discuss the topic in agenda and will stimulate interaction among the young participants. Each seminar will last four hours, divided in two sessions: during the first one, two speakers will give their own contribution to the course; while the second session will be dedicated to a free debate, stimulated by a moderator, during which participants will be invited to share with the others opinions and proposals.


Monday 23 March,  6.00 - 10.00 p.m., Spazio Chiossetto (Via Chiossetto 20, Milano)
“Europe: beyond the borders”
Giuliano Amato
Piero Bassetti

Tuesday 21 April - 6.00 - 10.00 p.m., Spazio Chiossetto (Via Chiossetto 20, Milano)
“We come out from your crisis. Recipes for a visionary global economic politics”
Gianni Toniolo
Federico Rampini 

Monday 18 May -  6.00 - 10.00 p.m., Spazio Chiossetto (Via Chiossetto 20, Milano)
“Postmodern world identities”
Carlo Sini
Francesco D’Agostino (*)

Monday 15 June - 6.00 - 10.00 p.m., Spazio Chiossetto (Via Chiossetto 20, Milano)
“Mass media and democracy in Italy”
Lucia Annunziata
Ferruccio De Bortoli

Friday 26 June  6.00 p.m.  – final conference, open to the public
“Politics before changes”
Massimo D’Alema e Giulio Tremonti (*)

(*) to be confirmed.

Application  (download the pdf of the notice of competition

The Milan office of Fondazione Italianieuropei announces a competition aiming at selecting 50 participants to the seminar of the course of political training "The crisis and the new global scenario", which will be held in Milan from March to June 2009. The course will be organized in four seminars - each one lasting four hours and taking place each month from March to June - and a final conference open to the public.

Application forms will be evaluated by the Fondazione Italianieuropei through an ad hoc Commission, made of own representatives. The Commission will screen the curricula and professional experience of the candidate, and will prepare a list of eligible candidates, the first 50 will be admitted. The decision of the Commission is unquestionable and unappelable.

The list of the eligible candidates will be published on the website by March 18, 2009.

The publication is to be considered as official communication to the interested people.

The admitted candidates shall finalize their application to the seminars paying, by March 20, 2009, the participation fee.

In case of renunciation or non-payment by an admitted candidate, the latter will be replaced by the first of the excluded candidates, following the order of the list. The candidates readmitted according to this procedure will be contacted directly by the organizers of the training course and shall pay the participation fee within 5 days from the communication.

At the end of the course participants will receive a certificate of participation, which will record the length of the training course. Participants who will not attend two or more seminars (including the final conference) will not be given any certificate.

Requisites for admission

Italian citizens and non-Italian citizens, holding or not a university degree, below forty years old (by the date of expiry of this notice of competition).

Application form (download the application form)

The application form, available here, fully filled and signed, shall be sent by March 16, 2009 via fax (+39 02.92870985) or e-mail ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ).

It is necessary to attach the curriculum vitae (European format) and a photocopy of a valid ID.

The application forms which will arrive after March 16, 2009, will not be taken into consideration.

Fondazione Italianieuropei will communicate to the candidates the admission to the training course by publishing the names of the elegible candidates on its website.

Participation fee

The participation fee is euro 100,00 (one hundred/00), and shall be paid according to the rule and the instructions which will be published on the website together with the list of the eligible candidates.

Copy of the money transfer, proving that the payment has been made, shall be sent by fax or e-mail, with the name of the participant (in capital letters), the date of the payment and the description of the payment.

The participation fee will include the material which will be given to the participants and the buffet lunch which will be offered at the end of each seminar. 

In case of renunciation the fee will not be reimbursed. 

For further information

Fondazione Italianieuropei – Sede di Milano
Corso Italia, 6 – 20122 Milano
Tel. 02.92870980
Fax 02.92870985

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